Well we have all survived our first week in first grade. Hopefully, it was a relatively easy transition for the kiddos. I plan on using this blog to keep parents informed about activities in our classroom. I will email you when I update the blog but it is also accessible through the Adams website under STAFF.

We always try to begin the school year with a few fun activities. Ms Dixon and I used an app called Chatterpix to combine the students’ photos from June and Ms Dixon’s voice for great pieces of advice on day 1 of school. The students also wrote down information about themselves and then crumpled the paper into “snowballs” and threw them at Ms Dixon and me. We then uncrumpled the snowballs and read the information about each child. We also had a Skittles activity. Each student was given a Skittle. They needed to share a piece of information about themselves based on the color they were given. For example, if your Skittle was orange, you needed to tell us what you liked to do during recess.

Classroom snacks – Very important. We have a shared shelf for classroom snacks. Students may either bring their own snack or share one from our snack shelf. I will email parents when the shelf becomes dangerously close to being depleted. Popular items are pretzels, Ritz crackers, goldfish, and graham crackers to name a few. If you want to participate in the shared snack, then sending in an item once a month should suffice.

Class parent – Each class needs to have a classroom parent that is a link between the APT and the classroom families. I have not been told by the powers that be that I have one yet, so if you are interested please let me know.

Our specialist schedule: Monday – Library, Tuesday – Music, Wednesday -PE, Music Thursday – PE Friday – Art. I know none of this is interesting but hopefully informative.

Ms Kelly Dixon, OSU student teacher, will be in our class the entire school year with varying hours per term. She will spend all of September in our room. During fall and winter term, she will be at Adams three days a week. Spring term will be every day. The full year program really prepares them for teaching since they are able to see the children grow from day 1 to 172.

Our curriculum night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 18 at 6:00. Our Adams School Block Party will be on September 26, beginning at 5:30. It was amazing last year.

I have included the sharing calendar for September. Your child may bring a item to share with the class on their day. If the child forgets their share item, they can simply bring it the next day.

Squeeze in some fun this weekend and cheer on the Beavers!! Margie McShane

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